54 research outputs found


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    Kelembagaan PNPM-MP pada tingkat kelurahan dan basis BKM/KSM) menjadi motor penggerak dan menempatkan masyarakat sebagai subyek dalam pembangunan di wilayahnya. Melalui proses pembangunan partisipatif, kesadaran kritis dan kemandirian masyarakat, diharapkan dapat ditumbuh kembangkan keterlibatan masyarakat untuk menjadi subyek bukan obyek dalam upaya pembangunan kelembagaan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1). Bagaimana kelembagaan PNPM-MP di Kota Semarang, 2). Bagaimana sinergitas kelembagaan PNPM-MP di Kota Semarang, 3). Bagaimana usulan model kelembagaan PNPM-MP di Kota Semarang. Fokus penelitian ini adalah 1). Kelembagaan BKM (Gambaran umum BKM, Siklus PNPM-MP, Pengendalian KSM), 2. Sinergitas Kelembagaan PNPM-MP (Integrasi program, Kelembagaan program di masyarakat, Koordinasi antar program (pusat-daerah), Kemitraan dan kerjasama kelembagaan (pemerintah, dunia usaha, masyarakat). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, FGD, dokumentasi. Lokasi penelitian meliputi 2 Kecamatan, 2 Kelurahan dengan 2 BKM, 10 KSM sebagai unit analisis yang dipilih secara purposive (sengaja). Kesimpulan hasil penelitian : Kelembagaan PNPM-MP pada tingkat kelurahan dan basis (BKM/KSM) masih dipandang masyarakat sebagai kebutuhan program, belum melembaga baik pada tataran horizontal maupun vertikal, sehingga kurang optimal. Rekomendasi : Untuk membangun kelembagaan dan sinergitas kelembagaan PNPM-MP diperlukan jalur kendali antar lembaga dari tingkat Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Konsultan, Pemerintah Kota. Kata Kunci : Kelembagaan, Sinergitas, keterlibatan masyarakat, Lembaga masyarakat (BKM/KSM)

    Menuju kemandirian kelompok sasaran dengan program LSM = Toward a Self-Reliance of The Target Group with Ngo\u27s Program

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    NGO always starts its movement from the basis that reflects a democracy characteristic, the one that not owned by other institutions. Basically the power and the superiority of such NGO grows ,by its self-management in a targeted group. By hating its self-management means that a group is deeply able to recognize problems it faces, able to search how to solve them, and at the long run be able to choose and accomplish the most suitable alternatives for the group.⢠A group institution always becomes an approach model 16 handle the program either done by NGO to their thirteen targeted groups prove the effectiveness Of the group, not finding differences to the targeted self reliances though they own different variations and categories. Nevertheless, to ensure the success of its program NGO has to cooperate with the goverment officials to support the sve."Pss of the NGO\u27s missions. . Key words: democracy characteristic -- self-management -- group institutions targeted -- self-reliance

    PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN DI INDONESIA (Studi Tentang Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan Di Kota Semarang)

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    Dalam perkembangan paradigma pembangunan, dewasa ini pembangunan lebih diarahkan pada pembangunan manusia. Puncak kesadaran manusia adalah ketika sudah sampai pada keyakinan bahwa tujuan hidupnya adalah untuk membangun harkat dan martabat sebagai kaum miskin dan tertindas. Oleh karena itu pembangunan manusia dipandang sebagai cara yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan. Kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi pemerintah adalah keterbatasan anggaran untuk memenuhi hak-hak dasar warga Negara, sehingga diperlukan kemauan politik  yang kuat dari pemerintah serta membangun kemitraan dan kerjasama kelembagaan (pemerintah, masyarakat, dunia usaha) untuk mendukung upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan. Kata Kunci : paradigma pembangunan, kemiskinan, kemauan poitik, kemitraan. In the development paradigm of development, today's development is more geared towards human development. The highlight is the human consciousness when it came to the conviction that his goal is to build the dignity of the poor and oppressed. Therefore, human development is seen as an effective way to tackle the problem of poverty. Constraints and challenges faced by the government is a limited budget to meet the basic rights of citizens, so it requires a strong political will of the government as well as building partnerships and institutional cooperation (government, community, business) to support efforts to reduce poverty. Keywords: paradigm of development, poverty, political will, partnershi

    ANALYSIS OF SERVICE QUALITY OF BUILDING PERMIT (IMB) FOR SERVICE USERS: Case Study at the Semarang City Spatial Planning Office

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    IMB service quality must meet the aspects of tangibles, reliability,responsiveness, assurance (guarantee), and empathy. The purpose of this studywas to describe and analyze the quality of service to IMB permit service users (acase study on the Semarang City Spatial Planning Service). This type of researchwas qualitative with a research focus on IMB service quality covering aspects ofreliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. Researchinformants were determined based on purposive techniques (sampling aimed at the principle snowball). Data collection techniques were through in-depthinterviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried outqualitatively with a model interactive model through the stages of datacollection, display data, data reduction and conclusion drawing. Researchconclusions: Analysis the quality of service for IMB permits to service users atthe Semarang City Spatial Planning Service was in accordance with applicableregulations. The delay in obtaining IMB permits was not due to the negligence ofservice personnel but due to the negligence of the IMB applicant in fulfilling theIMB requirements. Recommendations: Innovative steps are needed to intensifyimportant information and IMB requirements to service users through variousmedia up to the sub-district level, villag


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    Institutional PNPM-MP in Semarang put poverty alleviation as the main priority of the empowerment-based development policy. The strategy developed is to synergize government agencies with community institutions built by PNPM-MP program at the village and base level, that is, Community Institutional Agency (BKM) and the Community Self-Reliance Group (KSM). The problem studied in this research is: How does PNPM-MP institutional in society involve in poverty reduction, with the aim of describing and analyzing institutional programs in the community. The research approach used phenomenological qualitative, by conducting interviews, observation, focus group discussion to obtain data from informants (BKM / KSM). Informants include two BKM and ten KSM which is purposively selected (deliberately) from two villages in two districts. The analysis was performed interactively, that is, analysis techniques which are integral cycle among data collection, data reduction, data performance and conclusion withdrawal. Research conclusion: PNPM-MP institutional at the village and base level (BKM / KSM) has not been able to be a driving force in poverty reduction and is still seen by the community as a program requirement, not institutionalized on both horizontal and vertical level. Recommendation for the research result is that it needed awareness that poverty reduction requires a synergy between government agencies and community agencies embodied in the development planning of one village one planning


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    ABSTRAKSIDemokrasi akan berpijak pada prinsip kesetaraan dalam arti bahwa setiap manusia setara; oleh karena itu tidak ada spesialisasi kelompok tertentu atau asumsi bahwa seseorang lebih terhormat daripada yang lain. Banyak pendapat menjadi wajar jika demokrasi kita terlibat (dilatih), sulit untuk menemukan standar batu loncatan dan arahnya, terutama dalam hal praktik demokrasi dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.Demokrasi hanya menyentuh aspek proseduralnya. Oleh karena itu, demokrasi harus mengatasi bentuk proseduralnya yang sekarang, meskipun proseduralnya sendiri tidak dapat dihilangkan tetapi demokrasi substansial mutlak diperlukan. Selama tahun 2018 banyak politisi atau pengamat menyebutnya sebagai tahun politik.Mungkin alasannya adalah bahwa akan ada 17 provinsi, 39 kota dan 115 kabupaten yang dijadwalkan untuk menyelenggarakan pemilu secara bersamaan pada tahun 2018 dan 2019 Pemilihan Presiden, DPR, DPRD, DPD.Kami semua bersama-sama mengharapkan bahwa kondisi ini dapat mendinginkan suhu politik setelah semua dinamika politik yang melelahkan.Di sisi lain, kelas menengah kami yang secara teoritis merupakan kunci untuk menegakkan sistem demokrasi kini cukup mengkhawatirkan, karena terpecah-pecah dan terpolarisasi menjadi faksi-faksi yang terus menghujat dan saling menyalahkan. Kelas menengah ini adalah simpul kohesi sosial, juga kelas yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam mengamankan modal sosial masyarakat. Padahal di kelas menengah nasib demokrasi dipertaruhkan. Kata kunci: Prosedural / substantif demokrasi, Tahun politik, polarisasi, kohesi sosial, modal sosial. ABSTRACTDemocracy will stand on the principle of equality in the sense that every human being is equal; therefore there can be no specialization of a particular group or the assumption that one is more honorable than the other.  Many opinions become natural if our democracy is implicated (trained), it is difficult to find a standard of stepping-stone and its direction, especially in terms of democratic practice in the life of nation and state. Democracy only touches on its procedural aspect.  Therefore, democracy must overcome its present form of procedural, although the procedural itself cannot be eliminated but substantial democracy is absolutely necessary. During the year 2018 many politicians or observers call it a political year.Perhaps the reason is that there will be 17 provinces, 39 cities and 115 districts that are scheduled to hold elections simultaneously in 2018 and2019 Election of the President, DPR, DPRD, DPD.We are all together expecting that this condition can be cooling down the political temperature after all the exhausting political dynamics.On the other hand, our middle class which is theoretically the key to upholding the democratic system is now quite worrisome, as it is fragmented and polarized into factions that continue to blaspheme and blame each other. This middle class is a knot of social cohesion, as well as it is the most responsible class in securing the social capital of society. Whereas in the middle class the fate of democracy is at stake. Keywords: Procedural / substantive of democracy, Political year, polarization, social cohesion, social capital

    OUTCOME PENDIDIKAN SEKOLAH BERBASIS MBS (Studi Kasus Pada SMP Negeri 2 Cepu, Kabupaten Blora,)

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    AbstractThe concept of improving the quality of school-based education is the management of improving the quality of education carried out independently by involving all parties related to education . This concept is carried out starting from the process of planning , implementing , and evaluating the quality of education in schools . The management of the quality of education in schools really involves education stakeholders (stakeholders ), such as school principals, teachers , education staff in schools , school committees , parents of students and communities concerned about education who live at around the school. The problems studied in this study are : How is the implementation of SBM in Cepu 2 Junior High School , What are the supporting factors of implementing SBM in Cepu 2 Junior High School , What are the implications of SBM implementation in school outcomes . The purpose of the study is objectively to reveal the facts in detail about the implementation of SBM and its outcome of Cepu 2 Junior High School . This study uses a qualitative approach to informants chosen purposively by analyzing qualitative data onto the stages of data reduction , data presentation and conclusion drawing . The results of the study concluded that the implementation of SBM was able to build school independence , increase parental participation , school openness , and school accountability even though it was not optimal . Keywords : Implementation of SBM , Education Stakeholders , Implications , School Outcome .  Abstrak  Konsep kebijakan peningkatan mutu pendidikan berbasis sekolah adalah pengelolaan peningkatan mutu pendidikan yang dilakukan sekolah secara mandiri dengan melibatkan semua pihak yang terkait dengan pendidikan. Konsep ini dilakukan mulai dari proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi mutu pendidikan di sekolah. Pengelolaan mutu pendidikan di sekolah benar-benar melibatkan pemangku kepentingan pendidikan (stakeholder), baik kepala sekolah, guru, tenaga pendidikan di sekolah, komite sekolah, orang tua murid dan masyarakat peduli pendidikan di sekitar sekolah.Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah : Bagaimana implementasi MBS di SMP Negeri 2 Cepu, Apa faktor-faktor pendukung/penghambat dalam implementasi MBS di SMP Negeri 2 Cepu, Bagaimana implikasi dari implementasi MBS pada outcome sekolah. Tujuan penelitian, untuk mengungkap fakta secara detail dan obyektif tentang implementasi MBS dan implikasinya pada outcome sekolah di SMP Negeri 2 Cepu.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan informan dipilih secara purposive dengan analisis data kualitatif melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi Kebijakan MBS mampu meningkatkan outcome sekolah dalam hal membangun kemandirian sekolah, meningkatkan partisipasi orang tua, keterbukaan sekolah, dan akuntabilitas sekolah walaupun belum optimal.                               Kata Kunci : Kebijakan Negara, Implementasi MBS, Steakholder Pendidikan, Outcome Sekola


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    Kelembagaan merupakan suatu proses dan interaksi masyarakat yang melibatkan organisasi sebagai pelaksananya untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.  Tujuan kelembagaan PNPM-MP di Kota Semarang adalah untuk mengefektifkan pelaksanaan program penanggulangan kemiskinan. Salah satu masalah dalam penelitian  ini adalah bagaimana kelembagaan PNPM-MP di Kota Semarang dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan. Tujuan penelitian ini melakukan deskripsi dan  analisis kelembagaan PNPM-MP di Kota Semarang.  Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif fenomenologis. Metode pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, FGD dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif, yaitu teknik analisis yang merupakan siklus integral antara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penampilan data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Variabel utama untuk mengkaji kelembagaan PNPM-MP adalah kepemimpinan, doktrin, program, sumber daya, struktur internal   Kesimpulan penelitian,  kelembagaan PNPM-MP pada tingkat kelurahan dan basis (BKM/KSM) belum efektif pada ikatan horizontal maupun vertikal dan  masih dianggap sebagai produk program serta belum melembaga dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan. Kata Kunci : Tujuan kelembagaan, Badan Keswadayaan Masyarakat (BKM), Penanggulangan kemiskinan,  Variabel, Produk program.. Institutional is a process of community interaction that involves the organization to do the job to achieve a common goal. Institutional objectives PNPM-MP in Semarang is to streamline the implementation of poverty reduction programs. One of the problems in this research is how institutional PNPM-MP in Semarang in poverty reduction. The purpose of this research is to conduct a description and analysis of institutional PNPM-MP in Semarang. The research approach used is qualitative phenomenological. Methods of data collection are interviews, observation, focus group discussions and documentation. Data were analyzed using an interactive model, which is a technique that analyzes the integral cycle of data collection, data reduction, data and conclusions appearance. The main variables to assess institutional PNPM-MP is leadership, doctrine, programs, resources, internal structure conclusion, institutional PNPM-MP at the village level and base (BKM / KSM). The result shows PNPM-MP has not been effective in the horizontal and vertical bond and is still regarded as a program product and has not been institutionalized in poverty reduction. Keywords: institutional objective, Community Self-Reliance Agency (BKM), Poverty alleviation, Variables, Product program


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    ABSTRACT Teaching children to love Indonesia, intensively by heart that it has many diversities, will make the children understand. Therefore, education is employed by a sincere conscience to decline radicalism which may influence them too early . Instilling in children that in this country there is not only one religion, one tribe, one language, will make the children understand that differences are not to be opposed to, but must be loved. It means appreciating differences and upholding the values of harmony to achieve national welfare and peace for all humans must be understood early . Similarly , character education that has an effort cultivate character values to students that include knowledge , awareness . It also emerges willingness and action to carry out the values of goodness and virtue . These values will have an impact on students themselves become morally to the others , to their environment and to their nationality


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    Abstract The idea of democracy dates back to ancient Greece in the 4th century BC, the City State implemented a Democracy system that involved the community in making political decisions, where the area of the city was actually small and the population was entitled to vote for approximately 300 thousand people. Montesquieu set up a system that can guarantee the political rights of the people (trias politica), which is a system of separation of powers within the state into legislative, executive and judicial powers, each held by a different person.Democracy as a system has been used as an alternative in various social and state activities in several countries. There are two reasons for choosing democracy as a social and state system.First, almost all countries in the world have made democracy a fundamental principle. Secondly, democracy as a principle of state has essentially provided direction for the role of the community to organize the State as its highest organization. Therefore, true knowledge and understanding of citizens is needed about democracy.Carrying out democracy means straightening the intention to uphold the rights of others in opinion and accepting a different opinion or view in public requires common sense, because only by activating common sense can the potential to arrive at a substantial democracy will be realized.A democracy can be said to fail if it experiences a deadlock or stagnation in the process. Maintaining or caring for democracy in a country is not easy. There are a number of things that need to be considered so that the political order of a country's democracy remains on track, namely in accordance with the rule of law and the constitution and democratic values